Aliments marinés
Aliments en conserve
Aliments fumés
Aliments frits
Aliments transformés
Viande rouge (avec modération)
Alcool (avec modération)
Source: Les aliments contre le cancer du Dr. Richard Béliveau
Bouffe, recettes, vins et autres ...
jeudi, janvier 05, 2006
Le régime optimal de prévention du cancer
Choux de Bruxelles : 1/2 tasse
Brocoli, chou fleur, choux : 1/2 tasse
Ail : 2 gousses
Oignons, échalottes : 1/2 tasse
Épinards, cresson : 1/2 tasse
Soja (édamame) : 1/2 tasse
Graines de lin fraichement moulues : 1 cuilléré à table
Pate de tomates : 1 c. à table
Curcuma : 1 c. à thé
Poivre noir : 1/2 c. à thé
Bleuets, framboises, mures: 1/2 tasse
Canneberges (séchées): 1/2 tasse
Canneberges (séchées): 1/2 tasse
Raisins : 1/2 tasse
Chocolat noir 70% : 40 g.
Jus d'agrumes : 1/2 tasse
Thé vert : 3 fois 250 ml.
Vin rouge : 1 verre
Jus d'agrumes : 1/2 tasse
Thé vert : 3 fois 250 ml.
Vin rouge : 1 verre
Source: Les aliments contre le cancer du Dr. Richard Béliveau
Au menu : combattre le cancer
5 points à considérer:
Source: Les aliments contre le cancer du Dr. Richard Béliveau
- Cessez de fumer;
- Diminuer votre apport en calories (les fast food et plats préparés à l'occasion seulement);
- Réduire la consommation de viandes rouges;
- Éviter les aliments contenant des produits au potentiel cancérigènes (viandes fumées, bacon, saucisses, saucisson, jambon);
- Faire de l'exercice.
Source: Les aliments contre le cancer du Dr. Richard Béliveau
Recette tirée du site :
I love pita chips. They're incredibly delicious, addictive and easy. They only take about 5 minutes to whip up and are so much fresher than anything you can buy, not to mention that homemade chips are healthier than anything you can buy. Serve the chips with hummus, guacamole, salsa or any other favorite dip. Feel free to vary the seasoning to your personal tastes by using chili or curry powders. You can make them in advance by letting them cool completely on a wire rack, then packing them in a plastic bag for a day or two.
I love pita chips. They're incredibly delicious, addictive and easy. They only take about 5 minutes to whip up and are so much fresher than anything you can buy, not to mention that homemade chips are healthier than anything you can buy. Serve the chips with hummus, guacamole, salsa or any other favorite dip. Feel free to vary the seasoning to your personal tastes by using chili or curry powders. You can make them in advance by letting them cool completely on a wire rack, then packing them in a plastic bag for a day or two.
Homemade Pita Chips
1 ½ tsp cumin
1 tsp Paprika
½ tsp Garlic Powder
Black pepper and salt, to taste
2 Pitas
Preheat broiler and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Mix together cumin, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Set aside.
Cut Pitas into 8-12 pieces and split each piece in half to make thin chips.
Arrange in a single layer on baking sheet.
Spray with cooking spray.
Sprinkle evenly with spice mixture, but use your own judgment in deciding how much to put on the chips.
Broil for 3-5 minutes, until golden brown.
mardi, janvier 03, 2006
Les Aliments Contre le Cancer
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